I love Tuesday morning prayer at Adventures in Missions.
I guess it began as a few folks praying in the pre-workday quiet for the vision, the people, and the purpose of Adventures. I've been here since July 2011, and in that time, Tuesday morning prayer faltered a bit. Thanks to Neil and crew, it has begun again with a new heart.
Usually six or seven people show up on a Tuesday morning. Starbucks cups, water bottles, and iPods clank to the floor.
There's some yawning and stretching and then there is quiet. Or Neil puts on some familiar music.
And then we amble up to ask God to keep us faithful, close to his heart, and strong in Him.
Every other Tuesday, the team prays a little later – when the offices fill up – and offers to pray for colleagues. It's a sweet, powerful, humbling time. Sometimes there is a round of high fives at the end.
Why drive into work early to pray?
Because at the beginning through the end of the day, prayer and a good God we can't see is really all we've got.
Because mad skills will fail us.
Because if God doesn't send us and go with us, we have no reason – no business – going.
So that's Tuesday morning; the best morning at Adventures.
And I've got to get going.
I stumbled across this vintage Larnelle Harris song last night while I was hunting him singing Oh Happy Day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWFpj7S-Tbw&feature=endscreen&NR=1.
I love that it is not in trying, but in trusting. Not in running, but in resting. Not in wondering, but in praying, that we find the strength of a God we cannot see.
photo by Connie Rock, Dominican trip team praying for Pastor Juan & the church
Thanks for sharing Allie, I’m glad Neil is reviving the prayer time. So important!
“I love that it is not in trying, but in trusting. Not in running, but in resting. Not in wondering, but in praying, that we find the strength of a God we cannot see.” …. MMMMmmmmmm good word.
is this in addition to monday morning devo/prayer time? fun!