I've decided to create my own A-List of folks that inspire joy. (Snookie need not apply).
It originated from a daydream I had where God showed up in fire and cloud and stood next to me…and he was wearing an "I'm with stupid" tee shirt. Which got me thinking. So many A-Listers feel less than who they are and believe the sewage that they are not enough. So today, we're celebrating all things ordinary and – often covertly – MORE AWESOME.
- First up: Madi & Kenan. Yep: every A-List needs youth & chutzpah and I am lucky enough to have both…in my kids. I was told early on that Motherhood was not physically an option and I hit the bonus round-twice! They teach me more than ever hope to impart to them.
- Friends. Need I say more? Nope, but I will. I did not have a safe, secure, happy, sheltering family growing up, but once I was stripped of all of my best efforts, family found me (& my sister moved closer*!). So here's to you all you AlPals; I want to "do y'all" proud.
- Mimi & Moe*: If I have a hero couple, it is Mimi & Moe Moeller (names have not been changed to protect the humble.) In a feral childhood of immense lost-ness, Mimi made a birthday cake, defended my buck toothy self, and set me straight as only she could. And in the sweetest of generous rewards, Moe came along to complement all that she is…they are. Their building blocks for a good life do not resemble degrees or decrees, but they are some of the smartest, most resourceful, loving people I know. Moe, sealed it when he took Madi & Kenan ice skating, epically flailed and fell, and hopped back up-still smiling and not having to be #1 on the ice. Now, they're adopting #2 bonus kiddo to expand their kid count to four. I will always be grateful.
- The Risk-Takers: Start up a bible study in a bar along Aggieville's main drag? No problem! Drop all that you've known to move to a foreign country (no, I'm not talking Georgia) to feed the starving, educate & dignify the hopeless, bring a healthy love & friendship to the prostituted? Heck yea! Love the unlovely, embrace the great unwashed, and share your lunchables with a prisoner who preyed upon the weak and wants to know about the hope that is within you? Yes.
- Juan Valdez: God bless that man. I'm finding that missions is 90% love in action, 5% go, and 90% fresh brewed coffee. Much ministry is done among the faithful at St. Arbucks.
- Moms & Dads, Aunties & Others Who Step In: My faith takes a hit every time I see or hear of a kiddo or a nation who has been raped and pillaged, used and abused, or ignored because being a parent takes too much time from the golf game. I raise my espresso-grade coffee cup to those Moms & Dads and everyday ordinary other folks who do life in imperfect love of the kids around them. Last night, a much younger friend (Hey Jules!) prayed for me before I launched into the deep with a bunch of world-changers. She prayed for "shelter" and that-my friends-made all of the difference. She stepped in where I had no strength. I can look back at all of the mums & dads, TEACHERS and maintenance folks, leaders and loners who stepped into the wallowing mire to love on me and encourage me on. You are that guy (see #8).
All those who inspire: You don't have to be Lance Armstrong to inspire or even Tom Hanks, Colin Powell, Madeliene Albright, Adlai Stevenson, or Adrien Brody (but if you are Adrien Brody & reading this, please give me a call). You can be the Baconator and his merry band & aMayes-ing family, Gil & Trish, M3, Alpha-ites, the Queens, Sliz & the Smothers Mother, or the sweetest Rivers in Kansas. All you must do is show up to make the A-List. Leave perfection to the imaginations of the celluloid people. Just be Betty, Ann, Karis, Lisa, Mandy, or Tim. You inspire courage, confidence, "more awesome", and peace.
- THIS GUY ->: I want to be this guy (see photo at right). When the race is so freaking hard, your energy is completely spent, you are wondering why the heck anyone would want to do the race let alone ride a bike, and the way ahead is still far…you need this guy. I want to be this guy or like him to help encourage you that the race is worthy, to equip you with a bit of nourishment, and to engage you in a hope and a strength within that you didn't know you had. And-if I'm lucky, you'll be this guy for me, too. God knows, I'll need it.
Here's to you! A hazelnut latte-ish toast to All You A-Listers! Even when you feel like you are at the wrong end of the "I'm with stupid" tee shirt, you are ROYALTY in my world.
Too see the Passport Video which Jesse & Shaun should get an award for doing…click this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnYZLJdwkxA. It makes me laugh each time and will probably show up on the blog more than Monty Python clips or even…Adrien Brody.