In your ocean, I'm ankle deep, Lord.
Lord – can I love you more
serve you? Go deeper still?
Holding your hand as you guide me?
We all want to believe in something.
Our folks and our families
our ability to turn things around
sheer determination and the American Dream
the benificient mountain gods
the one thing.
What is your one thing?
it's like the "if only_______, then I'd be happy"
but then the
dream car crashes or someone barfs in it
dream house needs cleaning and a new sump pump
dream girl doesn't understand you
or the dream guy comes home late and disheveled each night
or the economy shifts, turns, rolls over, and plays dead
families separate by miles
we grow weary and tired
and realize that our best efforts
and big believing dreams
ushered us to this place
of all kinds.
Then What?
"The Moses said, "If you don't personally go with us, don't make us leave this place."
exodus 33:15
Rich– Everybody I know says they need just one thing. But what they really mean is they need just one thing more…
Everything else fades. It’s so effing difficult to remember. But so true.
Thanks for the reminder today.
much love.