Have you ever heard a story that brought you to your knees? Strangers in strange lands who's lives reveal more about your comfortable life and hubris and assumptions than you want or expect?
Meet Jeremy & Kathryne Cearbaugh, World Racers. They tell such a story: of giving up comfort for something more – when surrounded by so much less. And their story of Malay Pastor Yesudason, brought me to my knees. They've given me permission to repost their blog here"
He was our contact and pastor the second half of the month. You would always hear him saying “no problem” in many situations. When I drove his van into oncomming traffic….”no problem”, when one of my teammates drove his van into a ditch….lol….”no problem” he would always say. Even near death experiences for him would only merit a simple “it’s okay, I’m still alive, no problem”
His testimony is one of the most powerful testimonies I have ever heard. Here is just a piece of the pie. It will Blow. Your. Mind. He is living and ministering to the people of Kelantan, Malaysia, dominated by Muslims. Needless to say there are not many Christians here, a very dry ground. He has a small church, but spends most of his time going to the people, boldly sharing the love of God. [Even though it is against the law.] In 1992 there was a group of 30 young ‘thugs’ he ministered and poured his time into. Patiently and consistently pursing them, he eventually gained favor with one of the ring leaders and was allowed to spend time with them and often was invited to go swimming in the river together. Everything was going well until one of the ring leaders decided to start following Jesus. [Awesome, right!?] Well, his friends didn’t think it was so awesome, because their ring leader’s new life in Christ, he gave up the drugs, gambling, the girls and subsequently was losing his gang friends because of his new life choices. I know this sounds extreme, [remember, were not in Kansas anymore Toto] but the boys were so upset with Pastor Yesu over ‘losing’ their ring leader as a friend, they plotted to kill Pastor, yes, kill him. The village where Pator Yesu went to spend time with these teens is 20 kilometers deeper into the jungle than any normal road would go, taking a dirt bike to get there. Anticipating his weekly arrival they met him half way. Thirty teens begun to beat pastor to death using only their brut strength, no weapons. Pastor Yesu did not fight back. The beating lasted over an hour total with a short 15 minute break mid-way for them to catch their breath. Shortly after the second round started Pastor became unconscious. The boys threw his body into the jungle to leave him for dead. Several hours later Pastor Yesu was picked up by a man, carried to the train station, and taken to the hospital. The man checked him in and was never seen or heard of again. Pastor is 100% positive it was anangel of the Lord who saved him. Waking up in the hospital Pastor Yesu was in bad shape. Multiple broken bones, brain damage, memory loss, vision impaired, and flesh wounds covering his body. Due to his extensive injuries doctors were lead to believe the boys used weapons on him during the second round of beatings while he was unconscious. Pastors family and church leaders were completely appalled and upset, [understandably], and wanted him to press charges. A police officer came to him I the hospital to investigate. Pastor decided firmly [against his family’s council] to not press charges. He refused to give the names or location where the incident happened. His reasoning …..The Bible tells us in Romans to rejoice in your sufferings, it’s a privilege to suffer for the name of the Lord. Pastor did not want to shed his blood in vain by turning them in and burn any bridges with the gang, he still had hope for relationship with them! [ My jaw dropped at that part too, hold on it gets better.] Two days later a handful of the teens showed up at the hospital, entered his room, looked him in the eyes and started crying. They apologized up and down and wept for hours together with the pastor. After the beat down Friday afternoon, the boys could not sleep that evening, Saturday they could not bring themselves to go to work or do anything productive, overcome with guilt. Again Saturday night was spent as another sleepless night. Sunday, knowing his outcome due to the newspaper, they made their way to the hospital to ask forgiveness! Pastor Yesu welcomed them with open arms, forgiving each one of them. He spent 1 month in the hospital recovering, undergoing many surgeries all over his body, receiving plates, screws, casts and skin grafts. Get this. –> In rotation, the ‘thug teens’ spent the entire month with Pastor in his hospital room taking care of him hand and foot, and pastor shared Gods love and forgiveness with them every day. To this day, Pastor Yesu suffers from tunnel vision, glaucoma, a heavy limp and other chronic discomforts as a result of his near death experience. His daily joy and attitude towards life and the Lord is one that supersedes most people I know, including myself. He is literally grateful for everything in his life, constantly thanking Jesus verbally while simply driving down the road. Oh, and you should see him on the drum set and microphone during a worship sesh :] I love perspective changers like this. I hope this obliterated your box labeled “What it looks like to suffer for the Lord” |
Wow! How wonderful for all of them and all of us.
“he is literally grateful for everything in his life”…..words to ponder