Love wins.
That's what they tell me.
And with all of history repeating itself
and deeper depravity
Love wins
seems ludicrous.
That flickering hope that
hungry kids
pimped children
terrified men and women
broken and desperate
might have a reason
to keep going
to endure
is enough.
Because at any time
we – the privileged ones –
can feel desperate
consumed by dark-heartedness
of our own
and others devises.
Love wins.
Love wins.
Love wins.
Let that sink in.
And move you
towards action.
Love wins.
now this has nothing to do with a controversial book…well okay. maybe it does.
but not the book penned recently.
the one penned over years by a raggamuffin band of believers
that love wins.
there is so much that i do not understand
but i am beginning to understand
that God is love
and justice
and mercy
and hope.
That every good & perfect thing comes from him
like the goofy joy of a baby so happy that he kicks his feet and giggles
and the sunrise after a long and frightening night
and a hand to hold
and the memory of a love long lost
but so very good and sweet
and my grandmother's vegetable soup and Reubens
and a tiny girl no longer hungry
nor given to shame.
The heart of an old curmudgeon
that welcomes a new friend
or forgiveness asked
and received
or spring
without violence
and saturated in new freedoms
on wobbly legs…
these speak to me
whisper a reminder
in the dark night of my soul –
love wins.
Across the desert
through the trees
the snapping of jaws
and slithering of snakes
the winds of worry
gales of grief
and vast emptiness
of faith flung
into the salt flats –
the whisper makes its way
and finds us;
Love wins.
We cannot define it
corrupt it
box it
cage it
kill it
hang it on a cross
or drown it.
life prevails
Love wins.
So what do we do with this information?
Wait for another
to do the work
clean up our mess
carry our broken enemies
shield us from the uncomfortable truth
and bury the dead?
What do we do with
Love wins?
this moment?
Reveal who you are.
Set the world right.
Luke 11: 2 (the message)
Lost dogs & Breathe Deep,
This is a breath of life this morning, Allie. One of the most beautiful things I’ve read in a long time.
Love this!!! AMEN,
‘God is love
and justice
and mercy
and hope.’
Thanks, Allie 🙂
Thanks, Allie. With the world weighing heavily on me lately, I needed to read that. Thank you for encouraging so many of us all over the place.
We need to keep encouraging each other as long as today is called today. Thanks guys!