These days, I am wondering.
Actually, any day I wonder.
It began sometime after birth when I realized that those pink things that I kept seeing were actually attached to me…though it took me a while to learn they were toes and feet.
History class found me wondering about Roman mosaics and why I had to learn all the dates of history instead of just the order?
I wondered when my kids were born. Who will they become and am I the kind of person who can love them into a whole life of their own wonder and adventure?
And during church looking at the sparkly windows or the widows with their wrinkled hands…
This season has been a "harsh grace"; a peeling of the old singed dead skin to make way for the fresh and new.
I have taken pride in so much of the burnt flesh; the cracklins of a life that testifies to a person in process (and a God who is not sleeping.)
So when I sensed a mysterious God whispering, "I desire humility over talent," I began to wonder.
And ask more questions.
"I can use humility."
"Too much talent (or perceived talent) paves the way for arrogance…which I cannot use."
So this is what I am wondering about.
And when I dove into a quiet time of listening last night, this is what I found:
1 Peter 5 :5,6,7 (MSG)
5 God has had it with the proud,
But takes delight in just plain people.
6-7So be content with who you are, and don't put on airs. God's strong hand is on you; he'll promote you at the right time. Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you.